Nurturing Families Center offers certifications with training guidelines and requirements for those choosing to implement and train on the  updated Nurturing Families 2nd Edition™ curriculum authored by Sonya Thorn. A Nurturing Families™ trainer certification is a stronger testament to the continuing education of a licensed professional, family partner, youth worker, parent educator, and adult/family peer support. You stay updated, do the hard work, and you should have a certification to honor that.  Nurturing Families Center has restructured and is committed to social justice, equity and family well-being. With this transformation, we are research and family focused on all our initiatives moving forward.

“Children are connected to their families and for children to thrive families must thrive.”

Nurturing Families Centers carry the responsibility of county and statewide initiatives to ensure fidelity and training sustainability throughout the planning process.

Nurturing Families Certifications

Nurturing Families Center offers the following certifications for the most updated intervention, Nurturing Families 2nd edition.

NPP-Nurturing Families Facilitator Certification. The facilitator is certified to provide direct services to youth, children, parents and families.

NPP-Nurturing Families Organization Trainer (OT) Certification. The trainer is certified train others only within their agency of employment.

NPP-Nurturing Families State Trainer (ST) Certification. The trainer/consultant is certified to train throughout their assigned state.

NPP-Nurturing Families Lead International Trainer (LIT) Certification. The trainer is certified to conduct Training of Trainers training and works on behalf of Nurturing Families Center. Please contact Sonya Thorn at sonya@nurturingfamiliescenter.com for more information.

NPP-Nurturing Families Facilitator Certification


A NPP-Nurturing Families Certified Facilitator works directly with families, children, and youth. They may come from varying backgrounds, educations and life experiences although their primary role with families is to guide and facilitate discussions for self-discovery.  In their training, Facilitators will learn how to facilitate by modeling the core values and philosophy of Nurturing Families . Following the Facilitator Training, Facilitators will be confident and competent individuals that provide direct services to youth, children, parents and families. The NPP-Nurturing Families Facilitator Training will prepare individuals for their role as facilitators. At this level they directly work with families, children and youth, they are not certified to train professionals and paraprofessionals as facilitators in direct service provisions.


  • The first step toward becoming certified as a NPP-Nurturing Families Facilitator is to attend an 18-hour facilitator training conducted by NPP-Nurturing Families Certified Trainers. The trainer will validate your certification as a Facilitator.
  • A NPP-Nurturing Families Certified Facilitator must have at least one year of experience working with families and children. This experience must be verified by a current employer.
  • All facilitators are asked to sign a nurturing program facilitator agreement and complete an affiliate form through their designated center.


  • It is the responsibility of the facilitator to keep their contact information updated on the Nurturing Families affiliate page, to remain active.


  • Facilitators are responsible for staying current on updated information by periodically visiting the Nurturing Families Center website.
  • Facilitators must attend an annual recertification training before practicing as a Facilitator. These can only be hosted by Nurturing Families Certified Trainers or Nurturing Families approved Centers.

NPP-Nurturing Families Trainer Certification


Nurturing Families Trainers train paraprofessionals and professionals to become Facilitators. Trainers provide facilitator trainings and consultation to individuals they train. Agency, statewide conferences and workshops can also be conducted by certified trainers.

Individuals who wish to provide training must be certified Trainers of Nurturing Families 2nd Edition program. Once certified, every training or workshop provided must be documented and submitted to your reporting Nurturing Families Center to count towards your active certification.

Documentation must include the following:

  • Full name and signature of participants
  • Training dates
  • Type of training or workshop
  • State where training was delivered
  • Host agency name
  • Signed copy of facilitator or trainer agreements
  • List of all individuals that received a certificate
  • Evaluation documentation

NPP- NF Organization Trainer


A Nurturing Parenting-Nurturing Families Organization Trainers train only within their agency of employment. This is the first level for all trainers after attending the Training of Trainers (TOT) Training and completing all assignments.

Organization Trainers are also responsible for promoting Nurturing Families in their communities by attending meetings, conducting workshops and presenting at conferences.


  • Train only on the Nurturing Families 2nd Edition curriculum.
  • Train only in your designated agency.
  • Before every training contact the Nurturing Families Center to ensure that facilitators have purchased Nurturing Families  2nd Edition curriculum.
  • Provide technical assistance and maintain fidelity within your organization and local community.
  • Deliver only Facilitator Trainings with a maximum of 15 participants per training.
  • Optional – Post trainings on the Nurturing Families Center website two weeks in advance.
  • Purchase the Trainer Packet” and use the information and PowerPoint’s for all trainings and workshops conducted.


  • Complete an annual application with your designated center and keep affiliation contact information updated on the Nurturing Families Center website. Report yearly to NFC™ by attending the “Recertification Conference”.


  • Attend Nurturing Families Center quarterly Trainer Meetings with your Lead National Trainer.
  • Keep all required documentation on all trainings completed.
  • Provide two facilitator trainings annually.
  • Attend the “Annual Recertification Conference” every November.

NPP- NF State Trainer


A Nurturing Families Trainer / Consultant trains throughout their assigned state. They are also responsible for promoting Nurturing Families  2nd Edition program in their communities and statewide. Attend meetings with their state departments and others, conducting workshops and presenting at relevant state conferences.

The Nurturing Families State Trainer is actively engaged within their state departments.  They also work with the Nurturing Families Centers to update curriculum and collect data.


Meet all requirements of an Organizational Trainer plus…

  • Provide consulting and training in the use of Nurturing Families 2nd Edition.
  • Proficient in Nurturing Families fidelity, cultural competence, racism, equity and trauma informed care.
  • Deliver 3 Facilitator Trainings annually with a maximum of 25 participants per training.
  • Post at least one open training two weeks in advance on Nurturing Families Center Website.
  • Provide professional State and National CEU’s.
  • Carry your own professional liability insurance.
  • Host and assist with hosting conferences, networking quarterly meetings and training workshops for trainers, agencies, and others.


  • Complete an annual application with your designated center and keep affiliation contact information updated on the Nurturing Families Center website. Report yearly to NFC.
  • Provide state CEU’s.


  • Attend NF Center Quarterly Trainer Meetings with your Lead National Trainer.
  • Keep all required documentation on all trainings completed.
  • Provide three facilitator trainings annually.
  • Attend the “Annual Recertification Conference”.
  • Submit annual renewal and report trainings to your designated center.
  • Must be an affiliate with a designated FNC .
  • Bring in at least two new clients per year and provide at least two NP promotional activities per year to publicize NP (meetings, workshops or conference presentations).